Thursday, May 31, 2007


Milý čtenáři, jak předpokládám, mnoho z vás jistě x-meny zná, tedy po našem, po česku jsou to mutanti. Jistě si dokážete představit, pod názvem „mutant“, že to zvířátko nebo člověk, zřejmě není ve své kůži. Nebo-li tak jak ho známe. Mutace se dokonce skutečně objevují i v přírodě, ale bohužel člověk je tvor zvídavý a nenechá nic tak jak by mělo být. Takže se stane, že se někteří lidé narodí s různými schopnostmi, jako tito x-meni. Některé vám představím:
ProfesorX – nebo-li, profesor Xavier. Je sice upoután na vozíček, ale ovládá mysl jak svou, tak jiných lidí a dokáže jim vnutit svou vůli. Xavier patří k těm hodným
Magneto – dříve býval Xavierův přítel, ale cosi se v něm zvrtlo a přiklonil se spíše k druhé straně. Využívá své schopnosti ovládat kov ke zlu a ubližování jak lidí normálních, tak těch zmutovaných.
Wolverine – už od narození má zajímavou schopnost buněk, velmi rychle se regenerují, tudíž není znám ani jeho přesný věk, protože jeho buňky jsou stále mladé. Díky této schopnosti na něm vojáci provedli krutý pokus. Celou jeho kostru pokryli adamantiem, což je nejtvrdší kov na zemi a vyzbrojili ho sadou drápů, které jsou ukryty v mezi kostmi předloktí a při útoku nebo obraně vyjíždějí mezi klouby prstů na rukách v místě kde se prsty napojují na dlaň.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


F2 - play
F3 - pause
F4 - stop
F5 - full screen / window mode

F7 - silence
F8 - louder

F6 - load film
Ctrl+F6 - load subtitles
Ctrl+F4 - stretch to screen
Ctrl+F5 - full zoom
Ctrl+PhUp - zoom in
Ctrl+PgDn - zoom out

Shift+Up - increase font size
Shift+Down - decrease font size

Ctrl+Up - increase video height
Ctrl+Down - decrease video height
Ctrl+Right - increace video width
Ctrl+Left - decrease video width

Ctrl+Alt+Left - decrease playback rate
Ctrl+Alt+Down - normal playback rate
Ctrl+Alt+Right - increase playback rate

Ctrl+] - subtitle time correction +
Ctrl+[ - subtitle time correction -

Alt+Up - move up subtitles;
Alt+Down - move down subtitles;

PgUp - rewind 15s;
PgDown - forward 15s;
Left - rewind 5s;
Right - forward 5s;

Enter - reshake movie

Space - pause / resume playing
Alt+Enter - full scrren (other way)
Ctrl+F1 - move left subtitles
Ctrl+F2 - move right subtitles


Sunday, May 27, 2007

No help

available at this time but this program it's really easy to
use. Main form has only six colored buttons and I'm sure that's enough.
You can load film, subtitles, play, pause, stop and run playing on
full screen. Any other options You can see by opening context menu
(just click the right mouse button).
It's important that You should select language by opening context menu
and selecting one of "Language" submenu option.

Besides the executable you must also have these files:
(in the same directory where player is)

KoalaFilmPlayer.lng (language support)
KoalaFilmPlayer.ini (configuration file - created on first run)
KoalaFilmPlayer.txt (info)

Also other requirements:

- CPU min. 333MHz;
- min. 32MB RAM;
- min. 2MB RAM on video card;
- any sound card;
- Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME;
- DirectX 6 (recommended 8a for high quality subtitles);
- DirectX Media 6 (only if installed DirectX version is lower then 8);
- video and audio codecs required by avi files;
- Optionaly video or audio codec required by film files.

Koala Film Player 1.9

Koala Film Player is windows player for playing movie files with
displaying high quality subtitles

Main Features

- High quality transparent subtitles
- Easy GUI with context menu
- Resizable window
- Fullscreen playing
- Custom playback rates
- Command line support
- Pan-scan
- Custom aspect ratios
- Full zoom
- Bookmarks
- S/PDIF output supported for AC3 files - with InterVideo
Audio Decoder filter
- Remote control support - WinLIRC
- AviFix module with anti-freeze option - for repairing
corrupted avi files
- Easy subtitle editor


Friday, May 25, 2007

Navod na video v Mpegable X4 live

V "Input File" klikněte na tlačítko "Browse" a vyhledejte a vyberte video soubor, který chcete enkódovat:

Neklikejte na žádný s nabízených kódovacích profilů - nastavení provedeme sami postupně. Klikněte na záložku "Interoperability".
Vyberte 3gpp a pod "video codec" označte "mpeg-4 SP @ level 0, a pod "audio codec" označte "AAC"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

They are get FEI medial and prizes.

We spend very nice time during the Championship in Zabreh and we hoping that all participants were satisfied with the organisation and with the pleasant atmosphere. The sunny days and the organisation on the racing track helped to the pleasant course of all the Championship.
We wish all the participants the best to the next competitions and we are happy to see you
in future during the next Senior Championship in the year 2009.
Welcome in Zabreh.
This DVD was sponsored by general horse feed supplier Stable Kysely by company Troubecká hospodářská Ltd., feedmill division, supplying Stable Kysely from 2003 granulated feed Th Endurance. This nutrition ensuring by EMAC - energetic metabolism activation complex increase muscular system and condition horses, their performance and good health condition with economy feeding cost per working day. On this world unique Th nutrition system Stable Kyselý achieved many internationals successes.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

On Sunday 10 a.m.

was medial ceremony single and team competition, getting prize directly from manager chief FEI endurance Mr. Ian Williams, president and general director of competition Mr. Milan Kysely, main sponsors - glass company Moser Karlovy Vary, company Vyšehrad Prague and others.
Competition of team was winner team France, second place was team Spain and third place Belgium team.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The competition

was ended and 39 of the riders finished with successful the race.
The Czech rider Marketa Terberova placed on the position of European Championship. To the results of the European Championship were not enclosed results of the riders from the United Arab Emirates. We are congratulating to winners and all riders and their teams for their great results in this sport.
The special total prize 20 thousand EUR The Best horse condition sponsored by Sheikh Khalid bin Sultan Al Nahyan received after successfully ending competition by FEI veterinaries consideration between the best 10 horses. Winner was Czech 10 years old mare Chosita with her Czech rider Marketa Terberova Nr.67, second place Holland mare Fadilah R with Holland rider Romer Carmen Nr. 34 and third place French horse Haoussa Larzac with UAE rider Layla Abdul Aziz Al Redha Nr.14.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

After fourth

round were eliminated 7 horses: from Hungary, Spain, Belgium, Czech, Germany and Sweden.
On the last fifth yellow marked round with length 11 km stared first Italian rider Nr. 41 with 46 sec before Holland Romer Carmen Nr.34, than riders from UAE Nr. 13 and 14. With 8 min lose France riders Nr.15 and 20 and Belgium rider Nr.5.
The couple riders Nr. 41 and Nr. 34 in whole last round kept their leading, Holland rider Romer Carmen Nr. 34 on 9 years old mare Fadilah R overtook Italian rider Di Battista Carlo Nr. 41 on horse Amir di Pegaso and she arrived to finish first. After successful veterinary check she become absolute winner single competition and also Open Championship. Absolute second place took with 4 min lose Italian rider Di Battista Carlo Nr. 41. Third arrived to finish with 13 min lose rider from UAE Sheik Abdull Aziz bin Faisal Al Qassimi Nr.13, follow up with next lose 40 sec fourth rider from UAE Layla Abdul Aziz Al Redha Nr.14. Fifth arrived with next 20 sec France rider Aiello Jean Daniel Nr. 15 and sixth Czech 4 round leader Markéta Terberová Nr.67.
After last fifth round were not eliminated any horse and than placing, when arrived riders was final ending.

Monday, May 14, 2007

In case

of sooner cooling down Holland horse Nr. 34 within 2 min and within 1 min Italian horse Nr. 41, were Holland and Italian rider entered to veterinary check earlier before Czech rider. Czech team Nr. 67 cooled down horse over 7 min, Markéta Terberova lose 45 sec leading and Holland with Italian were new leaders of competition. Also riders from UAE kept quite their horses very shortly 3-3,5 min and took off half time lose to the leader.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

On the fourth orange marked

round with length 24 km started first Czech Marketa Terberova Nr.67, close rider from Italy Nr.41, 20 sec later Holland rider Nr.34, than 8 min later riders from United Arab Emirates Nr.14 a 13, Belgium rider Nr.5 and with 10 min lose group all France riders.
Fourth round finished first Czech Markéta Terberová Nr.67 with 45 sec before Holland Romer Carmen Nr.34 and Italian Di Battista Carlo Nr.41, than 10 min later arrived riders from United Arab Emirates Nr. 14 and 13, 13 min later to leader arrived group France riders.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

On third blue marked

round with length 26 km started first again Czech riders Nr. 67 Markéta Terberová and after 45 sec Czech Daniela Kráčmarová Nr.70 follow up 5 min later by riders from Holland and Italy. With lose 8 min. started riders from UAE Nr. 12, 13, 14, follow up group all riders from France.
After finished third round was still leader Czech rider Markéta Terberová Nr.67 with 5 min. before next couple riders from Holland Nr. 34 and Italy Nr. 41, than 6 min later Czech rider Daniela Kráčmarová, she started increase lose to first rider. Czech Markéta Terberová had 4,5 min longer time for cooling before entrance to veterinary check, than on start to fourth round she lost her 4 min lead before Holland Romer Carmen Nr. 34 and Italian Di Battista Carlo Nr. 41.
Veterinary check eliminate after third round 4 horses: from United Arab Emirates, Italy, Czech and Spain.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Second green

marked round with length 26 km was earliest finish by Czech riders Nr.67 and Nr.70, following up 7 min. later group of riders from Holland, Italy, with 10 min later from first group riders form UAE, than riders from France and Belgium.
By veterinary check after this 4th round were eliminated 7 horses, from Austria, France, Italy, Slovakia, Sweden and UK.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

When riders arrived after round,

all riders teams tried keep the horses quiet to reach the hart rate under 64 per min and after this, they should asked for veterinary check to control the condition horse and especially showed in trot.
When horse successfully passed this veterinary check, could continue in competition within 30 min after entrance to veterinary check on next round. During time of cooling and waiting for start in next round team could offer feeds and drinking water.
After first round were not eliminated any horse.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

After the first round arrived earliest from Czech two riders Marketa Terberova with Nr. 67 and Daniela Kračmarová with Nr.70. The next riders arrived from Italia Di Battista Carlo with Nr.41, next from Holland rider Romer Carmen with Nr.34 and with 4 min. delay, from United Arab Emirates Ms. Layla Abdul Aziz Al Redha with Nr. 14, Sheik Abdullah bin Faisal Al Qassimi with Nr.12, Shiek Abdul Aziz Faisal Al Qassimi with Nr.13, than rider from France Aiello Jean Daniel Nr.15, from Belgium Nr. 5 and group of France riders follow up by others riders.

The race

for 120 km was divided in 5 rounds for 33 km, 26, 26, 24 and 11 km. On Saturday the 6.00 a.m. began mass start, when the all riders started first red marked round 33 km. The riders had to pass control point and also service points on the trail under controlled the special stewards. It was aloud to keep horses cold by using cold water and inform the riders about the course during the competition.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The European Championship

in Zabreh was open after the ceremony on the
14. September 2006. There participated 78 riders from 18 countries which were represented on single and team categories. After the ceremony on the stadium on Thursday at 6.00 p.m. was open the competition. The presentation of all participants from: Austria, Belgium, Czech, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Kazakstan, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Poland, Spanish, Slovakia, Sweden and for Open Championship, which participate riders from United Arab Emirates.
Head of UAE team was UAE Equestrian and Racing Federation secretary general of UAE Mr. Hussein Mohamed Hussein and there was also presented Sheik Khalid bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
Ground Jury was established from team: Albert Dollinger from Switzerland, Mohammed Al Essa Al Adhad from UAE, Rudolf Nachtigal from Czech and Vijay Moorthy from India.
After the opening ceremony were the participants attended at the programme in the cultural house. For the FEI veterinaries, trainers and head of the teams there were presented the Stable Kysely and Troubecka hospodařská Ltd. as a general feed supplier, producing special feed for all categories horses. The presentation of the Th horse nutrition programme - EMAC – energetic metabolism activation complex, unique horse feeds, were introduced to the persons interested, in particular to the experts. This nutrition is successfully sending to the European countries and also to the Kingdom of Bahrain and United Arab Emirates.
The control of qualifications and health condition from veterinaries started Friday morning. There were 59 horses qualified, Sunday early morning there were 2 horses disqualified.

This extensive

preparation of the competition was organised from the Stable Kysely in Zabreh. The stable is many years successful in this sport and during time achieved excellent results and winners not only in Czech Republic, but also in the other countries in Europe. The daughter Kate Kysely riding in Junior category san Jakub riding in Senior category under support their parents trainers Vladka and Milan Kysely are representing successfully the stable on the international endurance races.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

DVD European Championship Endurance in Zabreh 2006

the International Endurance Race for 120 km – the European Championship,

Race for Juniors and Young riders until 21 years and Open European Championship took place in the city Zabreh, Czech Republic between 14.-17. September 2006.

Before the international race in September was organised in Zabreh in the time from 11-13. May 2006 the qualifications race.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pro filmy v níže uvedených formátech je doporučeno používat následující rozlišení:

:2.35: 720x304, 640x272, 576x240, 512x224, 480x208, 400x176

1:1.85: 720x384, 640x352, 576x304, 512x272, 480x256, 400x224

1:1.33: 720x544, 640x480, 576x432, 512x384, 480x368, 400x304

Všechna rozlišení jsou dělitelná 16. Proč dělitelná právě 16? Některé programy pracují korektně pouze s rozlišením, které je dělitelné 16.

Na závěr malé shrnutí. Dnešním programům pro převod DVD stačí pouze nastavit velikost rozlišení. Bitrate a velikost souboru vám spočítají samy.
