|1. série|
1.1 Sex bez závazků (Sex and the City)
1.2 Modelky a smrtelnice (Models And Mortals)
1.3 Zátoka zadaných sviní (Bay Of Married Pigs)
1.4 Údolí mladíčků (Valley Of The Twenty-Something Guys)
1.5 Síla ženského sexu (The Power Of Female Sex)
1.6 Tajný sex (Secret Sex)
1.7 Monogamisté (The Monogamists)
1.8 Třetí je na obtíž (Three's A Crowd)
1.9 Želva a zajíc (The Turtle And The Hare)
1.10 Těhotenský večírek (The Baby Shower)
1.11 Období sucha (The Drought)
1.12 Přijďte, všichni mí věrní (Oh Come All Ye Faithful)
|2. série|
2.1 Pojďme na baseball (Take Me Out to The Ball Game)
2.2 Strašlivá pravda (The Awful Truth)
2.3 Obludárium (The Freak Show)
2.4 Svobodní se přece střílejí (They Shoot Single People, Don't They?)
2.5 Čtyři ženy a jeden pohřeb (Four Women and a Funeral)
2.6 Křivky zahýbání (The Cheatin Curve)
2.7 Sólo pro čekanky (The Chicken Dance)
2.8 Muž, mýtus, viagra (The Man, The Myth, The Viagra)
2.9 Staří psi, nové penisy (Old Dogs, New Dicks)
2.10 Kastovní systém (The Caste System)
2.11 Vývoj (Evolution)
2.12 Intenzivní bolest (La Douleur Exquise!)
2.13 Lidské hry (Games People Play)
2.14 Postelový přítel (The Fuck Buddy)
2.15 Nedostatky (Shortcomings)
2.16 Líbilo se ti to? (Was It Good For You?)
2.17 Ženy po dvacítce, ženy po třicítce (Twenty-Something girl vs. Thirty-Something Women)
2.18 Bývalý milenec ve městě (Ex and the City)
|3. série|
3.1 Není kouře... (Where There's Smoke)
3.2 Politicky korektní sex (Politically Erect)
3.3 Útok na šestistopou ženu (Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman)
3.4 Kluk, holka, holka, kluk (Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl)
3.5 Žádná jestli (No Ifs, Ands or Butts)
3.6 Are We Sluts?
3.7 Královny dramatu (Drama Queens)
3.8 Užít si (The Big Time)
3.9 Lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl (Easy Come, Easy Go )
3.10 Všechno nebo nic (All or Nothing)
3.11 Žít na ostří nože (Running with Scissors)
3.12 Don't Ask, Don't Tell
3.13 Útěk z New Yorku (Escape from New York )
3.14 Sex and Another City
3.15 Hot Child in the City
3.16 Ühlavní přátelé (Frenemies )
3.17 Jak se do lesa volá (What Goes Around Comes Around)
3.18 Problémy s ptákem (Cock-a-Doodle-Do!)
|4. série|
4.1 The Agony and the "Ex-tacy"
4.2 The Real Me
4.3 Defining Moments
4.4 What's Sex Got to Do with It?
4.5 Ghost Town
4.6 Baby, Talk is Cheap
4.7 Time and Punishment
4.8 My Motherboard, My Self
4.9 Sex and the Country
4.10 Belles of the Balls
4.11 Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
4.12 Just Say Yes
4.13 The Good Fight
4.14 Není všechno zlato (All That Glitters)
4.15 Change of a Dress
4.16 Ring a Ding Ding
4.17 A Vogue Idea
4.18 I Heart NY
5. série
5.1 Anchors Away
5.2 Unoroginal Sin
5.3 Luck Be an Old Lady
5.4 Cover Girl
5.5 Plus On is the Loneliest Number
5.6 Critical Condition
5.7 The Big Journey
5.8 I Love a Charade
6. série
6.1 To Market, To Market
6.2 Great Sexpectations
6.3 The Perfect Present
6.4 Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little
6.5 Lights, Kamera, Relationship
6.6 Hop, Skip And a Week
6.7 The Post-it Always Sticks Twice
6.8 The Catch
6.9 A Woman´s Right To Shoes
6.10 Boy, Interrupted
6.11 Teh Domino Effect
6.12 One
6.13 Let There Be Light
6.14 The Ick Factor
6.15 Catch-38
6.16 Out Of The Frying Pan
6.17 The Cold War
6.18 Splat!
6.19 An American Girl In Paris (part one)
6.20 An American Girl In Paris (part deux)