Saturday, December 29, 2007

Film today

Nowadays the film is a sort of entertainment and art. It is produced a lot of genres such as SCI-FI, comedies, dramatic, or romantic films, very popular are thrillers and action films. There are a lot of film stars, which come from all over the world such as Tom Hanks, Arnold Schwarzeneger, and Mel Gibson. It is produced a lot of blockbusters films such as Lord Of The Rings.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The golden age of Hollywood

It was a time between years 1930-48. The first films were black and white but later it was colour. There were a lot of genres such as gangster films, musicals, newsreel, historical films and horrors. They were made the first animated films, which were produced by Walt Disney such as Popeye The Sailor or Snow White And Seven Dwarfs. The films were characteristic by poor quality, unmoving camera and microphone. In war years it was produced newsreels (filmová aktualita) , propaganda films, documentaries and patriotic films.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Foundation of film

The first film studios were founded in Hollywood, West Coast, New Jersey and Long Island. Nowadays these studios are the greatest on the world. In the end of decade of 20th century there were 20 studios. The first era of film was Silent era. It was made westerns, gangsters, films and comedies with first stars – Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton. The special sorts of comedies were slipstick comedies. The most famous actors of the comedies were Stan Lauer and Olivier Hardy. The most expensive and the most gigantic film of silent era was Intolerance. There were 15000 comparsists and it was built The snake room, which was 1500 meters long with a gigantic statues. After world was first and after the stock market crash (krach na burze) the European stars came to Hollywood. It was founded minor (menší) studios and major studios. The biggest studios was called The big five and were Warner Bros pictures, Paramount pictures, Metro-Goldwin Mayer, 20th Century Fox and Rca. The most famous minor studios were called The little three and there were Universal pictures, United artist and Columbia pictures. The films were very popular in this time and were made history, films such as The Iron Mask or Robin Hood.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The production of film

Who makes a film? At first we think that actors-the stars which are famous and rich. But the essence of creative work is onto some other place. The film is a result of teamwork. There work directors, cameramen, screen, writers, producents and others.

Festivals, Oscars
Every year there are many new films produced and we can see them on different film festivals that take place in Cannes, Berlin and also in Karlovy Vary. The best films can get some prices for example, American Film Academy awards Oscars every year. Either American or foreign films have a chance to get Oscars.
Oscars are awarded for the best acting, direction, music, costumes and so on. Some films which got Oscars: Amadeus - M- Forman was a director, West Side Story got 10 Oscars in 1961, Silence of Lambs, My Fair Lady, Mary Popins, Ostře sledované vlaky directed by J. Menzel, Dance with wolfs and the last our film awarded was Kolja by J. Svěrák. Another price is the Gold Globus.
There are many famous films directors: F. Fellini, Spielberg, W. Allen, R. Redford, A. Hitchcock (Psycho, Birds…). The Czech directors: M. Forman (One Flew over the Coco Nest), J. Svěrák (Obecná škola, Jízda, Ropáci, Kolja), J. Menzel (Ostře sledované vlaky).
The person who must control the performance is called the producer or director. The script (scénář), actors and directors are the most important condition (předpoklad) of the successful film.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Film + TV + Cinema

The history
There were a lot of inventions and innovations of necessary for the advent of cinema in history. It was electromagnetic induction and also Edison's bulb in 1879. The film was invented by Lumiere brothers in 1895. Their first film was a short gag, which called Sprinkle sprinklers (Pokropený kropič). First it was black and white and silent. There were usually comedies and cartoons (kreslený). The first film with a real plot (děj) was a western The Great Train Robbery, which was 10 minutes long. The first real cinema building was founded in Paris in 1897. The most important actors were Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Today we can see colour and sound film. It depends on TV set but almost everybody has a colour TV. The most important television studio is found in Los Angeles in USA. It's called Hollywood and to get there is a dream of all actors.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Teoretický úvod

Na svých stránkách již sice mám jeden návod na tvorbu DVD, ale je možná zbytečně moc komplikovaný a chybí v něm popis vytváření titulků. Tento návod by měl sloužit jako jednoduchý průvodce co nejkvalitnějším převodem z AVI (nebo i jiných formátů) na DVD-Video a nebudu Vás tolik obtěžovat suchou teorií. Doufám, že jej pochopí každý, kdo ví co je adresář a soubor a umí rozbalit zip archiv (což kupodivu většina uživatelů PC nezvládá). Předpokládám, že zdrojové video je v tzv. formátu DivX (neexistující smyšlený formát). Jde typicky o AVI video s MPEG-4 kompresí (DivX, XviD), zvuk je obvykle zkomprimován do AC3 nebo MP3. K tomu jsou ještě někdy titulky v textovém formátu SUB nebo SRT. Celé toto nehomogenní spojení nazývají dilteanti ve snaze o maximální zjednodušení jako formát DivX a vnáší tak do oboru nové zmatky a nejasnosti, jako by jich už tak nebylo dost. Cílem tohoto návodu je sjednotit všechny tyto zdroje a převést je do striktního a existujícího standardu DVD-Video. Jedná se o standard velmi špatný a problémový, ale pokud si někdo pořídil přehrávač bez podpory MPEG-4, je tohle jediná možnost, jak na něm video přehrát. Proces, který popíši, převede všechny elementy (obraz, zvuk a titulky) do formátů splňujících standard DVD-Video. Prvním krokem bude převod zvuku do formátu AC3. Poté musíme překomprimovat obraz do formátu MPEG-2 a hlavně se vypořádat s rozlišením a poměrem stran. Tento zákeřný problém rozebírám podrobněji v samostatném článku. Také titulky se musí pro DVD převést do správného formátu (SUP). Na závěr se vše spojí a vypálí jako standardní DVD-Video. Konverzi AVI na DVD zvládají i poměrně jednoduché programy typu DVD Flick nebo The FilmMachine. Můj návod je ale obecnější a snaží se o vyšší kvalitu. Také byste se při mém postupu neměli dostat do žádných neřešitelných problémů. Pokud tedy automatický program selže, zde je cesta.


Sunday, December 02, 2007

epizody simpsons

|1. série|
1.1 Sex bez závazků (Sex and the City)
1.2 Modelky a smrtelnice (Models And Mortals)
1.3 Zátoka zadaných sviní (Bay Of Married Pigs)
1.4 Údolí mladíčků (Valley Of The Twenty-Something Guys)
1.5 Síla ženského sexu (The Power Of Female Sex)
1.6 Tajný sex (Secret Sex)
1.7 Monogamisté (The Monogamists)
1.8 Třetí je na obtíž (Three's A Crowd)
1.9 Želva a zajíc (The Turtle And The Hare)
1.10 Těhotenský večírek (The Baby Shower)
1.11 Období sucha (The Drought)
1.12 Přijďte, všichni mí věrní (Oh Come All Ye Faithful)
|2. série|
2.1 Pojďme na baseball (Take Me Out to The Ball Game)
2.2 Strašlivá pravda (The Awful Truth)
2.3 Obludárium (The Freak Show)
2.4 Svobodní se přece střílejí (They Shoot Single People, Don't They?)
2.5 Čtyři ženy a jeden pohřeb (Four Women and a Funeral)
2.6 Křivky zahýbání (The Cheatin Curve)
2.7 Sólo pro čekanky (The Chicken Dance)
2.8 Muž, mýtus, viagra (The Man, The Myth, The Viagra)
2.9 Staří psi, nové penisy (Old Dogs, New Dicks)
2.10 Kastovní systém (The Caste System)
2.11 Vývoj (Evolution)
2.12 Intenzivní bolest (La Douleur Exquise!)
2.13 Lidské hry (Games People Play)
2.14 Postelový přítel (The Fuck Buddy)
2.15 Nedostatky (Shortcomings)
2.16 Líbilo se ti to? (Was It Good For You?)
2.17 Ženy po dvacítce, ženy po třicítce (Twenty-Something girl vs. Thirty-Something Women)
2.18 Bývalý milenec ve městě (Ex and the City)
|3. série|
3.1 Není kouře... (Where There's Smoke)
3.2 Politicky korektní sex (Politically Erect)
3.3 Útok na šestistopou ženu (Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman)
3.4 Kluk, holka, holka, kluk (Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl)
3.5 Žádná jestli (No Ifs, Ands or Butts)
3.6 Are We Sluts?
3.7 Královny dramatu (Drama Queens)
3.8 Užít si (The Big Time)
3.9 Lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl (Easy Come, Easy Go )
3.10 Všechno nebo nic (All or Nothing)
3.11 Žít na ostří nože (Running with Scissors)
3.12 Don't Ask, Don't Tell
3.13 Útěk z New Yorku (Escape from New York )
3.14 Sex and Another City
3.15 Hot Child in the City
3.16 Ühlavní přátelé (Frenemies )
3.17 Jak se do lesa volá (What Goes Around Comes Around)
3.18 Problémy s ptákem (Cock-a-Doodle-Do!)
|4. série|
4.1 The Agony and the "Ex-tacy"
4.2 The Real Me
4.3 Defining Moments
4.4 What's Sex Got to Do with It?
4.5 Ghost Town
4.6 Baby, Talk is Cheap
4.7 Time and Punishment
4.8 My Motherboard, My Self
4.9 Sex and the Country
4.10 Belles of the Balls
4.11 Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
4.12 Just Say Yes
4.13 The Good Fight
4.14 Není všechno zlato (All That Glitters)
4.15 Change of a Dress
4.16 Ring a Ding Ding
4.17 A Vogue Idea
4.18 I Heart NY

5. série
5.1 Anchors Away
5.2 Unoroginal Sin
5.3 Luck Be an Old Lady
5.4 Cover Girl
5.5 Plus On is the Loneliest Number
5.6 Critical Condition
5.7 The Big Journey
5.8 I Love a Charade

6. série
6.1 To Market, To Market
6.2 Great Sexpectations
6.3 The Perfect Present
6.4 Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little
6.5 Lights, Kamera, Relationship
6.6 Hop, Skip And a Week
6.7 The Post-it Always Sticks Twice
6.8 The Catch
6.9 A Woman´s Right To Shoes
6.10 Boy, Interrupted
6.11 Teh Domino Effect
6.12 One
6.13 Let There Be Light
6.14 The Ick Factor
6.15 Catch-38
6.16 Out Of The Frying Pan
6.17 The Cold War
6.18 Splat!
6.19 An American Girl In Paris (part one)
6.20 An American Girl In Paris (part deux)